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CB Website Slide Revised
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Know Your Customer

Create The Experience

Grow Your Business

Solution Based Programs

Process in a Nutshell

First we chat
You may be unsure where to start and that’s ok. We can go over everything in more detail so you have the information to make the right choice.
Then you decide
Once we’ve chatted it will become clearer which programs you need now and which can wait. We can then work through a timeline together.
Time to Workshop
All programs involve some form of workshopping, either with the business owner, managers or the whole team. Ideas begin to surface.
Put into Practice
Following each program we will deliver the tools to strategise and fuel growth. You and your team will then be able to revisit mapping regularly.
Customer Journey Mapping, Design & Transformation. What on earth is it? And why should your business invest in it?
A customer journey map reveals the story of a customers’ experience with you. From initial contact, engagement, and forming a long-term relationship with your business or brand. It identifies key interactions and defines the various feelings, motivations and expectations of your customer at each touchpoint. The ultimate goal is to learn more about the customer experience, find the blind spots and remove unnecessary steps, so as to market better, sell faster and drastically improve your customers satisfaction.

Who We Work With

From micro businesses to large companies, Cherry Bamboo brings to the table a plethora of knowledge, skill and common sense from years of working with large companies such as the below.



"Cherry Bamboo challenged my thinking, clarified my customers journey and brand purpose. It was a light bulb moment. With an eye for detail, always prepared and completely focused, they took my business as seriously as I do."
Sharon O'Connor Photography


“Cherry Bamboo were able to give us the clarity we needed in regards to our brands look & feel, our ideal customer, and how our brand should interact with them. They understood our business quickly and provided actionable insights.”
Zoey Porter, Porters Williamstown


"Cherry Bamboo had an incredibly refreshing approach. Their input was as valuable as it was clear and concise and was quickly actionable. No jargon, they spoke in our language!"
Janelle Boyd, Delaware North


"Cherry Bamboo made us more autonomous as a franchise and in control of how we keep and grow our customers. Some of the strategies were literally implemented overnight!"
Emma Manggun, 9Round Fitness

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